MoMA, Fellowship
The Museum of Modern Art is seeking a research fellow to support research on Asian art and architecture, with a primary focus on Southeast Asia and its diasporas, for The Museum of Modern Arts’...
The Museum of Modern Art is seeking a research fellow to support research on Asian art and architecture, with a primary focus on Southeast Asia and its diasporas, for The Museum of Modern Arts’...
Le Centre de Recherches sur l’Extrême Orient de Paris-Sorbonne (CREOPS) a été fondé en 1990 et regroupe des recherches portant essentiellement sur l’art de l’Asie orientale (Chine, Japon, Corée, Vietnam) et méridionale (Inde, Pakistan, pays himalayens, Sri Lanka, Asie du Sud-Est).
En savoir plus sur le CREOPSCe carnet complète le site du CREOPS. Le site présente les axes de recherche et les membres du CREOPS. Il contient également des archives relatives aux thèses et masters. Le carnet quant à lui, a pour but de compléter le site par le biais de la diffusion continue d'actualités
This blog completes the website of the CREOPS . The website presents the research axes and members of the CREOPS. It also contains archives related to the publication, and the Masters and Docotrate thesis produced by CREOPS members. The blog aims to complete the website by means of the continuous diffusion of academic news related to the research in Asian Art.