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Bourse du Metropolitan Center For Far Eastern Art Studies, Kyoto

Founded under the auspices of the Harry G. C. Packard Collection Charitable Trust, the Center provides grants for Japanese and non-Japanese scholars of the arts of East Asia at advanced levels of achievement. Grants to non-Japanese scholars cover the categories listed below, with examples of typical projects.

Advanced Research and Publication by Individual Scholars

• Travel costs
• Acquisition of photographs and other materials

Institutional Projects

• Meetings and symposia
• Production costs associated with scholarly publications

Purchase of Library Materials

Dissertation Research

• Overseas travel and research for graduate students. Students must complete all
requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation by March 1 prior to the grant period.

General Guidelines

Center grants are ordinarily intended as seed money for new projects or as supplements to other income. As the Center rarely provides full support of large-scale activities, applicants are urged to seek funding from other agencies as well. Grants to doctoral candidates ordinarily supplement other sources to a maximum (from all sources) of $20,000 for a single student, $25,000 for a couple. For application forms and detailed instructions, visit our website: www:, or contact Maiko Behr, Administrator, Non-Japanese Grant Award Program, at: info [at]

Applications must be postmarked and mailed on or before December 31 to the following address:
Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies
6-3 Okazaki Saishôji-chô
Sakyô-ku, Kyôto 606-8342

An original and four copies of application forms should be sent by regular postal delivery. Awards will be announced about April 1, and available after May 1.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Cecile Laly (6 octobre 2017). Bourse du Metropolitan Center For Far Eastern Art Studies, Kyoto. Carnet du CREOPS. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

Cecile Laly

CREOPS (Université Paris-Sorbonne), International Research Center for Japanese Studies

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