C-MAP Fellows for Asian Art – The Museum of Modern Art
C-MAP Fellows
In 2009, The Museum of Modern Art launched Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP), a global research initiative. The program is intended to deepen the Museum’s range of expertise; expand the criteria by which quality in works of art and artistic movements is defined; enable the Museum to understand more fully the historical imperatives and changing conditions of an increasingly global art world; and infuse MoMA’s future with the diverse perspectives of scholars, curators, artists, and historians from around the world.
We are currently seeking three C-MAP fellows (three to five days per week, subject to agreement between MoMA and the candidate) to support research in the following focus areas and reporting to MoMA curators as noted:
1. Asia C-MAP fellow specializes in Asian art, with a focus on Indian and South Asian art (start date July 17, 2017; one-year term, renewable for a second year). Reports to Chief Curator, Department of Media and Performance Art.
2. Central and Eastern Europe C-MAP fellow specializes in art from the Central and Eastern European regions (start date September 5, 2017; two-year term, renewable for a third year). Reports to Senior Curator, Department of Photography.
3. Latin America C-MAP fellow specializes in art from Latin America, particularly the Caribbean region (start date July 17, 2017; one-year term, renewable for a second year). Reports to senior curator (to be named).
Led by senior MoMA curators, each C-MAP group is comprised of staff from MoMA’s curatorial, International Program, Education, Library and Archives, and Publications departments, and will explore the convergence of themes, discourses, and practices in the visual arts of each respective area throughout the 20th century. Following the direction of the group leader, and in consultation with group’s members, the fellow plans for and executes a lively program of visits by international and domestic scholars, as well as group travel to applicable countries. Possible outcomes of the group’s work and travel include research that will benefit the Museum’s program and the field at large, expansion of the Museum’s global network and international partnerships, acquisitions of artworks, and online publishing.
Coordinates with the C-MAP group leader and International Program to implement the research plan and schedule of the applicable C-MAP group.
Prepares for C-MAP group meetings, corresponds with invitees, and compiles relevant research materials, biographies, and meeting agendas in advance of the visits.
Conducts research and planning for group travel where the C-MAP group conducts research, and visits collections, cultural institutions, studios, and other organizations as required.
Assists in the organization of and participates in symposia and other forms of discourse related to the C-MAP group research.
Works closely with the International Program, C-MAP group leader, and C-MAP fellows to co-edit and oversee the content development for the post Web platform (post.at.moma.org).
Reports to senior MoMA curator.
Qualified candidates will be graduate students or will hold a graduate degree in art history, anthropology, cultural studies, and/or a related field in the humanities (or the equivalent in countries outside the US). MPhil or PhD candidates preferred. Independent curators or researchers with a specialized knowledge of art in India and South Asia, art in Central and Eastern Europe, and art in Latin American and/or the Caribbean will also be considered. Strong knowledge of Western 20th- and 21st-century art history within a global context and additional knowledge of art history in India and South Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean preferred. Excellent writing and verbal communication skills. Demonstrated research capabilities. Familiarity with travel in Central or Eastern Europe, South Asia, or Latin America and the Caribbean preferred. Knowledge of basic office procedures and skills. Written and spoken fluency in one or more languages of Central and Eastern Europe, South Asia and Asia, or Spanish, French, or Portuguese preferred.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Cecile Laly (16 mai 2017). C-MAP Fellows for Asian Art – The Museum of Modern Art. Carnet du CREOPS. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nbug