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Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Asian Arts and Cultures, SOAS

The School of Arts seeks to appoint a Lecturer (or Senior Lecturer) in Asian Arts and Cultures in the Department of History of Art & Archaeology, starting in around August 2020. The appointee will carry out research and provide teaching and supervision in an area or areas of Asian arts and cultures. The appointee’s expertise – which may be in visual, curatorial or screen cultures, or historical, popular or urban contexts of art – should complement related existing specialisms in the Department of the History of Art & Archaeology, such as China’s visual arts, ceramics and collecting histories, and in other areas of the School of Arts, such as creative and cultural industries, film and screen studies and music. Many of our students come from China and the Department is interested to attract applicants whose research frames China as a regional cultural formation through thematic, inter-disciplinary or inter-regional approaches such as Silk Road Studies or East Asian Studies.

Voir l’appel complet sur le site de SOAS

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Cecile Laly (12 septembre 2019). Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Asian Arts and Cultures, SOAS. Carnet du CREOPS. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

Cecile Laly

CREOPS (Université Paris-Sorbonne), International Research Center for Japanese Studies

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