JAHF First Book Subvention Prize
Japan Art History Forum First Book Subvention Prize
The JAHF First Book Subvention Prize is awarded once a year to a book project that will make a substantial contribution to the field of Japanese art history, broadly defined. Applications will be judged based on the overall quality of the project and the need for financial support.
The award is for a maximum of $4,000. The winner can choose to use the award to defray publishing costs (in which case JAHF will send the funds to the publisher) or to defray the cost of acquiring permission to use images (in which case JAHF will reimburse the author, contingent upon the author providing itemized receipts).
The First Book Subvention Prize is made possible by Japan Art History Forum membership dues and by a generous donation from Felice Fischer.
The award may be granted only to first books, single-authored.
Applicant authors must have been members of JAHF for at least two years prior to the application and must currently be JAHF members.
The subvention will be awarded only for completed manuscripts that have a contract with an established academic publisher.
Manuscripts must be in English.
Application Process:
Authors should download the application form from the JAHF website. https://www.jahf.net/first-book-subvention-prize/
The deadline for completed applications is SEPTEMBER 15, 2019. All application materials should be submitted to the JAHF Secretary: secretary@jahf.net
A JAHF-appointed committee will review applications once per year (in mid-September) and announce results within approximately six weeks. Re-application for the grant is allowed.
Questions should be directed to the JAHF Secretary, secretary@jahf.net
Past Winners:
2018 Erin Schoneveld for Shirakaba and Japanese Modernism: Art Magazines, Artistic Collectives, and the Early Avante-garde (Brill).
2017 Halle O’Neal for Word Embodied: The Jeweled Pagoda Mandalas in Japanese Buddhist Art (Harvard University Asia Center).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Cecile Laly (19 juin 2019). JAHF First Book Subvention Prize. Carnet du CREOPS. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/nby7