Bourse du Tate Research Centre
Asia Visiting Fellowship Scheme 2017
Deadline: 17 February
Tate welcomes applications for the Tate Research Centre: Asia Visiting Fellowship Scheme.
This Visiting Fellowship Scheme provides scholars and curators the opportunity to realise a short-term research project in the field of modern and contemporary Asian art. Individuals engaged in the programme will be able to access information relating to works in the Tate collection and draw on the resources in Tate’s library and archive. This is an ideal opportunity for a scholar or curator who wishes to undertake research at Tate and is keen to share their work on an international platform.
The terms of the individual fellowships will be agreed after consultation with the successful applicants. However, all fellows are expected to:
- Produce a final report summarising the research project.
- Contribute research to one of Tate’s online publication platforms
- Convene a seminar or lecture at Tate or at a partner organisation.
The duration of the fellowship is negotiable (maximum three months). The starting dates are flexible, however the post must be completed by December 2017. Fellowships are non-stipendiary. The posts are visiting opportunities; the successful applicants will not hold Tate staff positions. Fellows will be reimbursed for their travel, accommodation and per diem expenses, the terms of which will be agreed with individuals on the basis of their particular projects and circumstances.
To apply please submit the following in PDF format (no larger than 8 MB) by email to [a] by 17 February 2017, 17.00 GMT:
- A single-page project proposal,
- A writing sample (preferably published),
- A CV,
- The contact details of two referees.
Interviews will take place on the week commencing 27 February.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Cecile Laly (18 janvier 2017). Bourse du Tate Research Centre. Carnet du CREOPS. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse